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It represents the release of a mature ovule (egg) from the Graafian follicle into the ovary. The ovule is the feminine reproductive cell. The ovules are produced in the ovaries; after that, they pass through the fallopian tubes and then they enter the uterus. The ovulation occurs in the middle of each menstrual period, about 14 days before the next menstruation. After the ovulation, the ovule gets into the uterus through the fallopian tube.

The ovulation may appear earlier, under the influence of negative circumstances: depression, malnutrition and illness.

The determination of the date of ovulation is essential for the safe use of the natural contraception method. This estimation is possible only for the women who have a regular menstrual period; the other women have to use additional methods in order to determine the date of ovulation.

One of them is the sympto-thermal method (measuring the body temperature), which is very well known and widely used. It serves to the determination of the date of ovulation, for the contraception, for finding out if a woman is pregnant, for the menstrual period diagnosis in case of infertility. This method consists in registering the body temperature for each day of the menstrual period and observing the cervical fluid (mucus) and the position of the cervix. It is remarkable that some women have special feelings just before the ovulation.

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